Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tools of the Trade - veronica p.

On monday our class took a field trip to Williams Sanoma, which is a cooking store nearby. They had all kinds of tools in the store (along with GREAT hot apple cider for the season) and our job was to find a tool that we did not recognize. The tool I found turned out to be a simple "Lid Gripper," but until I read the lable I had not had any idea of what it was. To me it had looked like some sort of flat crushing device with a long handle, possibly to squeese something (it was in the vegitable section so I thought vegitables). The black knob on the back could be twisted to make the three odd roundish teeth like grippers to move in and out. But it's simple use is to open jars, and the kind staff pointed out its benefits, how it easily fits on to most size lids and makes it easier for people to open them using the long handle at the end. She said it is exeptionally good for older people with arthritis who aren't as strong as they once were and have trouble gripping things. Very useful, and easy to handle the Lid Gripper was something new to me that I wouldn't mind having, especially with my brothers not around to open things for me!

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