Saturday, September 18, 2010

Julie and Julia; the trials and triumphs of 2 women who love good food

Julia Childs created a huge cookbook, a controversial one at the time for "american women without servants." Publishers thought it was too long for the time, but when published it became a huge sensation that inspired many people, one of them being Julie Powell, who 4 years later cooked all of her recipies in a mear 365 days. All 524 recipies, and to document it she created a blog to tell others of her trials and triumphs.
There are two stories the movies revolves arount, Julia's expieriance in France in the past, and Julie's story of trying to create all of her recipies while working and having moved to a new apartment and with her new husband. Both went threw the same trials and errors along the way. (And both were worried about the duck) And it was interesting how self motivated each women became, and that made both Julie's and Julia's story such a success. Knowing that these women, who found themselves misplaced or bored could do something so segnificant, threw something that they loved.
The big difference is between the movie and the blog posts by Julie. In just reading the 1st five posts you can tell that the movie cleaned her up quite a bit. I think she is still nice in the blog, but the movie focused more on her distress, and less on the food like the blogs, to me she seemed more girly than the blogs.
The scene that I thought made the movie was Julie's visit to the Julia museum, and her placing the stick of butter on the shrine type spot. After all she had been through, having her idol dislike what she did she still looked up to her, or the 'her' that she thought of when she did the whole ordeal. It was a very sweet and symbolic moment, showing she could move on and still look fondly on the past.

1 comment:

  1. Veronica, I'm absolutely stalking your writing samples. Be flattered. I must say- you need to start putting more assignments up here dude- Im getting bored of reading all my old cosmos. The end.

