Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Memo to Mrs. Obama

Memo to Mrs. Obama from Ley

Dear Mrs. Obama,

I recently hear about the campaign “Let’s move” that you are currently promoting for kids’ health in America. Just Saturday my class and I visited a farm in DC named Common Good City Farm and based on their goal, and their location, you should take the time to go visit.

Common Good City Farm is located in DC, in a neighborhood where the people don’t have the means to easily get to a grocery store. The farm was created to help the community, which is said to have a high number or people who suffer with diabetes among other weight related diseases. The farm grows vegetables and fruits without any chemically enhanced soil or fertilizers. After it’s grown, the products are distributed to the people in the community who volunteered to help out in the garden.

The farm isn’t very big, but I think it’s a fantastic project. The soil itself could use some work, and I think it would be a great idea to expand the farm because the purpose is to help the people of the community. Although the project is very small and it’s not very popular, it’s a great way to reach out to the community.

I believe that using this farm, as a model for other communities is a great way to both get people involved directly with their nutrition and give back to others. I strongly urge you to visit the farm. It has a promising goal and I think it’d be a great blueprint for other communities.


Ley guetio

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