Sunday, September 12, 2010

Memo to Mrs. Obama from Sofie

Mrs. Obama,

Personally, I believe the Common Good City Farm is very important for the Let’s Move campaign. While visiting, they explained that many people in DC die from obesity related problems. The Common Good City Farm is there to give the people in the area healthy and fresh fruits and vegetables in order to prevent this. They also talked about a program in which people volunteer at the farm and in return they receive free produce. Basically, they are working for food.

During my visit, I learned that the nearest grocery store is very far away. Many people don’t have cars and would have to walk there. Many of them don’t want to walk or can’t due to health-related concerns. That is why the Common Good City Farm is in the heart of the neighborhood. It provides people the fresh produce they need without having to go very far to get it.

The Common Good City Farm only has a few paid employees. For the most part, they depend on volunteers. Personally, I think this is very good because its obvious they care more about the good their doing than money they’re making. However, this also provides a problem. I had interviewed a few volunteers. They said it’s hard to keep volunteers coming regularly. They usually get enough volunteers but it’s harder to plan things when they don’t have regulars. Because of this, I don’t think the Common Good City Farm is ready for media scrutiny.

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