Monday, September 27, 2010

The Fast and the Curious-- K Holzman

Fast food. Funny if you think about it. What does "fast" really mean in American culture these days anyway? "Slutty," "quick," and "starvation" are just a few terms that come to mind. Now, what does that tell us about the mounds of grub we are scarfing down?

Let's start with "starvation." How mighty true it is. By shooting loads of fast food into your body, you're simply depriving yourself of essential nutrients that a "Filet-O-Fish" just wont give you. The same nutrients necessary to keep a sharp mind so one can multitask enhancing the ability to set fire to over priced cocktail napkins while humming show tunes in your underwear. Like I said, the necessities.

Moving on to "quick." Yes, fast food is quick, but so are a lot of things. For example, the rate of execution in the state of Texas. Or perhaps the time it takes for a state trooper to call in reinforcements on the interstate highway when you willfully decide to outrun him. "Quick" does not in any sense of the word mean "good." Yes, it saves chunks of time in your ever shrinking life, but where are those minutes even really going? What are you, the consumer, doing that is so incredibly important that you must sacrifice your health to do? Chances are something else on the unhealthy side.

And now we are left with "slutty." Perhaps one of the most beautifully crafted terms coined in American history (aside from MOVE- of course). What does slutty mean to you? Let's break it down shall we; slutty: commonly referred to as a SLUT. Or very loose individual. Hmmm "loose." What in the Chocolate yielding heavens does THAT mean? Well, I'll tell you what that means. Something that is unsteady, shapeless, or even stray. And if it is true, we are what we eat, I sure as Hell know I would rather not be an unsteady, shapeless stray slut on the prowl.

Though you may be waiting in line that seems to be in breeding and multiplying, "fast" pretty accurately describes the thousands of calories parading around your insides.

One particular individual who has shaped my outlook on eating would probably be the ever so riveting Jack Black. Yes, watching this dream boat of a man gobble down a cheeseburger is enough to make any person consider claiming citizenship in ANY other country with the outlandish fear of ever being associated with such a creature.

1 comment:

  1. My Whole Foods experience was pretty awesome. I did not expect much from the field trip since I have been going to Whole Foods for 2 years now but it was worth it. Instead of going into the store as a customer like I was used to, I went in as an observer.
    While I was walking around observing Whole Foods, I paid attention to everything from how much care went into the aesthetics of the store to the type of people that were in the store and what I found really struck me. Whole Foods puts so much effort into their display and how nice it looks. Like taking a step back and looking at it, it may be a little overboard. Think about it, regular grocery stores do not look half as nice as Whole Foods and the only difference is entirely organic while the other is not. Is this why the prices at Whole Foods are so high? Could be. And with these hiked prices, you can definitely see a connection between that and the customers that they have. Just looking at them you can tell that they are pretty well off.
    After I got done observer, I went back to shopper mode and raced around the store with Elyssa to stock up on some healthy goodies. I got fresh pineapples, organic popcorn, and a case of pellogrino.
    Overall it was a good field trip
