Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Philosophy

My food philosophy is very simple…”Love What You Eat or Don’t Eat It All”. My parents were extremely selfless and cared more about their children’s happiness than anything else. Being so our house was packed with all the best goodies and they cooked whatever we wanted to eat. Never did they try to force us to eat vegetables and we always had desert. My food philosophy is a direct result of growing up in a house like this. Nowadays I eat food not based if its good for you but if it tastes good to you. It doesn’t matter how many carbs, sugars or grams of fat are in the meal, it tastes appetite pleasing then I’ll eat it.

My food philosophy would definitely clash would the folks at Whole Foods. They obviously care a lot about the food they eat as I do not. I however appreciate the fact that they are promoting a healthy lifestyle. With obesity on the rise and other health issues targeting Americans, what Whole Foods is doing is the right thing. They are showing people that they can indeed go to a grocery store and get food that is not only good for you but also tastes good.

My metabolism is not going to be nearly as fast when I get older. With that I am going to have to start making better food choices. Thanks to Whole Foods though I will be about to enjoy the same meals I have grown to love and they will not only please my palette but also my body.

1 comment:

  1. I love your philosophy and how your parents greatly helped develop it. I also enjoyed reading about how your current philosophy would clash, but in the near future you hope to see it change and develop into a philosophy of Whole Foods. It shows your really aware of how you eat, and how you cant eat like it forever. I like the idea of when your stomach can no longer take your current eating habits you'll change them, and Whole Foods will be there for the assist.
