Sunday, September 26, 2010

Whole Foods Market- Why I'm going to rich

to be honest, I didn't expect anything out of the whole trip. I just wanted to get it over with because it was a long day, we left late and I was tired. So we got dropped off and walked in. I don't know if it was because I was starving, or because of the many delicious colors that stared me in the face. I suddenly had the urge to stuff the tasty-looking fruits, but I hear it's not normal in our society so... let's fast forward.
we decided to take a quick tour, which ended being our whole field trip but that was because it seemed that everyone was really enjoying the format (at least, I didn't mind it one bit) I remember the meat section because of the white fat that is mostly found in red meat. I don't remember ever seen such a deep rich red color on meat except back in Cameroun when a goat was being killed for a feast or celebration. he explained that the white icky stuff is fat, due to the processed chemicals fed to them in order to fulfill demands and produce more food that we are notoriously known for wasting so much. and that's when I started asking myself this question; "why are we willing to spend money on stuff that isn't good for us and most of it goes in the trash anyways instead of being good to ourselves and eating healthier foods?"

I think I'll eventually go back to being a vegetarian then, I'll shoot for the wonderful world of vegans. I loved it when our "tour guide" said that that lifestyle wasn't for everyone. I would know that because well, it wasn't easy for my family to adapt to my new lifestyle. For that sole reason, I will be rich!!! That way, I can shop at Whole Foods for groceries and all other products without feeling guilty about the amount of money I'm spending. To be honest, it's hard being introduced to something like that and then going back to eating food from Safeway, Giant, or all those other stores. Don't get me wrong, I love grocery shopping there however, I'm ready for something else!

My favourite part was the bakery session. why? because I fell in love with the fruit cakes. really, I did. I almost had a breakdown because of their attractiveness. I mean, they were.... mouthwatering. So I spent the rest of our free time staring and contemplating whether or not to buy one. finally, my head decided against it and I settled for a smaller version and yes, it was just as I imagined.

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