Friday, October 1, 2010

Mindful Eating- Asia Phillips

I never thought of food as anything more than a suppressant of hunger. Sure you crave certain things here and there but the overall goal was to get energy, and silence your stomachs’ grumble. Everything is so instant in this day and age; if you’re hungry you run to the nearest fast food joint. Since food is so easily tangible via the fast food industry as well as frozen food we as people have forgotten what it’s like to prepare a real meal, and enjoy quality food. Majority of what I eat is fast food or processed unfortunately. However, thanks to this class I am so much more knowledgeable and conscience on what I put in my body. The movie Super Size Me was absolutely shocking; sure we know McDonalds is bad for you but when you see the effects of it, it makes you think of things more in depth. I was never a huge fan of McDonalds, but all of fast foods are the same. Now even frozen foods have the same effects because of all the chemicals and unnatural ingredients.
After the Whole Foods visit I told my mom how I wanted to start doing more grocery shopping there instead of Giant. I feel that I would become healthier especially if I were to buy meats and dairy from Whole Foods. During my visit I noticed that the meat there was leaner and thinner whereas the meat at Giant artificially grown and pumped with chemicals; it’s scary when you can see the difference in food. Becoming a vegetarian is my ultimate goal, but until then I will take the time to enjoy my meals, eat smarter and hopefully become healthier.

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