Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mindful Eating--By Rabia Javed

The people at the Whole Foods Market have definitely influenced my outlook on cooking and eating. They provided a lot of important information that made me realize that I should change my eating habits. They inspired me to eat healthy, organic food. I think I am going to make the effort to start eating healthy, organic food little by little; take it one step at a time. I am so use to the way I am eating now, that it will be difficult to change my eating habits but there is no harm in giving an effort to change. The Whole Foods employee had a lot to say about each food group and such as the seafood, meat, bakery, etc. All of the food in the market were in high quality standards and kept in their proper conditions. All of the fruits and vegetables were freshly picked and brought into the market. The employee also provided us with some examples of how different some of the products really are such as the drinks. Eating healthy, organic food is better for your health and it is better for the environment. I agree with this statement because it is true; but one of the main reasons that many people do not chose this way is because healthy, organic food tends to be more expensive than any other regular food and fast food. So, some people do not even bother with trying to change their cooking and eating habits which is kind of understandable because not everyone can afford to eat healthy, organic food but for the ones who can should definitely try to change their cooking and eating habits.

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