Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mindful eating by Kamilla

“There is no sincerer love than the love of food.”(George Bernard Shaw)

When I first saw this assignment I tried to find out my personal philosophy of cooking and eating. Seriously, I never thought about it before. I remembered my lifestyle, eating habits, preferences and then I came up with my philosophy.
In my opinion, we should care and be very accurate with food. Food must be well-prepared, fresh, and organic. I never divided organic and non-organic food, because it’s not common in my home country. In Russia organic food is much cheaper, than synthetic. Such a paradox, but it’s true. That’s why I was so surprised when I first saw difference between Whole Foods and other markets.
I used to eat healthy small portions of food about 5 times a day, so I will stay fit and nourished. When I was younger I was keen on different magazines such a cosmogirl, teenvogue, etc. Of course I was very insecure about my weight when I saw super skinny girls there. I tried to eat less, until I understood that it’s not OK to look like a stick (I mean very skinny). I think that this experience left imprint on my eating habits. I rarely eat fast food (if I’m extremely hungry and McDonald's is the only one place with food which I can find), candies or something which can affect my weight. Fast food is very bad for the health too, and after the movie Supersize me, I really don’t want to go to fast food chains anymore.
Now I’m here and I think that I started to care more about eating. I’m so glad that our dining service has different types of food, a lot of fruits and vegetables, and vegetarian food.

1 comment:

  1. I would have to agree on you with the amount of pressure one could find when reading the teen magazines to remain super skinny and look like a twig. It definitely takes a lot of maturity to realize at such a young age that naturally people's bodies aren't made like that. I totally understand why one would become so insecure when looking through them. Movies like Supersize me definitely also turned me off to eating fast food, and the vegetarian types of foods always look really good in the Caf!
