Monday, September 27, 2010

Mindful Eating - My Perspective

Alright so our teacher, Mrs Whitman, posed a challenging question to us with this latest assigment for our blogs. To tell you the truth I'm not sure if I have discovered my own philosophy of cooking and eating. Yet I have some small perspective that i will try to iterate in this post to give you a taste of what I'm still discovering.

I have worked in the food service business all the years I have been working. Once at a custard shop in my hometown and the next one was in a pool cafe, a little bit more sophisticated than the last occupation. At each occupation I learned a little bit more about customer service and the quality of service and food. At the country club pool cafe where I worked I learned so much about the quality of food and how to maintain the foods that were necessary for our enterprise.

Yet one thing that I love about eating is that it must have flavor. If you were to ask me which herbs and spices make up the flavor pallete of the plate of food, I would say "I have no idea but it certainly tastes wonderful." It is difficult to say what I love to eat mainly because I have not explored all of the facets and sides to the culinary world. Yet I know that I am still excited to go out and try new things the only thing I ask: make it flavorful. Not too much salt rather let the salt make the flavor more prominent. Have the carbohydrates take a back seat to the main meat of the entree yet both parts must work in unison to orchestrate a symphony of flavor for my senses.

This is so true, all of cooking and eating is a challenge to your senses. I had a coworker who went on to study at the Culinary Institute of America. At this prestigious cooking school, the students must be able to identify herbs by there sense of smell. Food is an essential part of life and all of the senses are a part to understanding our food more fully, appreciating the gift that food is to our bodies.

My philosophy is simple: put some flavor into it and make it look delicious.

If you follow these two simple rules, I will let you put any deliciously looking and flavorful food on my plate.

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