Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Philosophy

By Elyssa Giordano

I feel my views most coincide with the values and philosophy of Whole Foods. I love how they are all about getting back to local agriculture and local production. I also love that so many of their products are gluten free, organic, etc. While their products are expensive, I like that you are getting true quality, and you totally get what you pay for every time. With fresh ingredients, you also can rest assured that you are not putting all the regular chemicals and such things into your body. As a person, I also feel like I am contributing myself to the “go green” and local movement. I can say I feel this way because I can know where my food is coming from, and are comfortable with eating a little bit more sustainably. Also, Whole Foods encourages its customers to go green with selling items like reusable bags, recycled plastics, not having the store as well lit, and similar solutions to this movement. Edward Brown has also influenced my outlook on cooking and eating by having his idea of becoming one with your food again, and reconnecting food to one’s heart. While I can not really execute this practice at school with the cafeteria, I can try to practice this when I go home or go out to eat. You would be so surprised with the amount of organic or natural food types of places to eat you could find in your own backyard!

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