Monday, September 27, 2010

Julie and Julia Food Blog-- K Holzman

Julie and Julia Food Blog

Julie Powell authored the novel Julie & Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen (published in 2005) based on a blog series she became famous for. Her blog writing career began in August of 2002 where she documented her attempts at cooking each and every recipe in Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking.

In my opinion, her blog was entirely uncreative. She found a book. She read the directions. She followed the directions. Wrote about it. The end. Where's the individual inspired spark? Where's the real visionary passion? Any fully limbed chimp can follow directions, but it takes an imaginative human being to work outside the lines to create something uniquely their own. If she had taken the recipes and tried to snaz them up a bit or add complementary dishes, now that would be worth a read, but she didn't. She read a book.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of her project was the mind blowing rejection of the Julia Childs herself. Though as an outside viewer, the project may seem rather coma inducing, but to the very chef of which the project was inspired? Talk about a slap in the face. Powell dedicated an entire year of her life aspiring to the recipes of this woman who you'd think would be flattered.

Powell's personality in the movie was displayed as optimistic and determined. You could tell she enjoyed herself in her attempts at recreating a historical delight. In the blog, however, her personality was not depicted as colorfully.

Within the movie, i found that Julia Childs' prosperity in a class she was told she was not good enough for stuck out the most. When she signed up for an excelled class, she was told that she was not good enough to participate. But, like any strong spirited artist, she pushed on and for lack of a better word, kicked ass.

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