Sunday, September 26, 2010

Whole Foods Review

I have visited Whole Foods countless times before. My grandmother is a regular customer and boasts that she has not visited a “normal grocery store” in over 5 years. I am quite familiar with the eco-friendly and green aura.
I wasn’t fortunate enough to ask questions but I am curious about many things that goes on at Whole Foods. I would’ve asked:
“Are meats and produced shipped here from other countries?”
“Are cosmetics, medicines, and household products popular for customers?”
“What grocery stores are in the area?”
“Does the company encourage their workers to not only shop their but eat healthier?"
During Thursday’s visit, every worker asked if I needed assistance which doesn’t happen at Giant; even the guys that stock took the time to make sure my needs were met as a potential customer. Whole Foods is truly a much more enriching grocery store. The store was filled with colorful fruits and vegetables, beautiful and elaborately designed pastries and free range meats. I learned that they sale cough syrup that can cost as much as $30 which is steep in contrast to the normal Tylenol or Robitussin. (After seeing that I hope whenever I am ill there is everything but a Whole Foods nearby!)I also learned that their foods are exactly the same with the potential to have just as much calories however they are not made up of chemicals. (i.e. the butter example given by the guide). So you are in fact capable of eating unhealthy foods such as their pastries they are simply made of better and in most cases natural ingredients. I don’t believe that Whole Foods is a special organization, I feel they target and provide for a specific audience just like any other franchise. However, I think unlike anywhere else their mission is to help instead of simply looking for a profit. You shop there to pay three times as much for an item in hopes of your body being rewarded.

1 comment:

  1. I think their goal is to sell too, but the main point, in my opinion, is that they sell things that are actually good for you, and on top of that they provide information about what you're buying/eating exactly. I think that is very very important in terms of informing the public about differences between that, and something found else where say, Safeway.
