Thursday, September 30, 2010

Public Blog #6: Mindful Eating

My views match those of the people at Whole Foods market in that people need to eat healthier foods than what they currently call a meal consisting of burgers and fries. Sure some meals made from the ingredients found at Whole Foods market can still be unhealthy, but if one were to eat the same thing made from lower quality ingredients, the effect could be unhealthier. My visit to Whole Foods market did not give much impact though in that I already knew many people were suffering from obesity. How it did impact me though, was that it gave me more insight on how many may say they eat to live. Another two groups that contributed to my view towards food is my family and high school life. I learned from my family that when they came to this country before I was born, they were starving due to some events that I will keep unmentioned.

I remember how at school I was sometimes lazy to eat lunch or just found nothing I wanted to eat in the lunch line and how I suffered from it by feeling some hunger during almost the rest of the school day. All of this had left in impact on me in that in order to live, we, as humans, need to eat food so that we can have the energy to live. After visiting Whole Foods though and a reflection after visiting, I realized that the purpose of food wasn’t just for survival, but to bring people together, whether at a table or in a line, so that we can communicate and talk with each other about things not just involving the food, but how we all have been doing.

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