Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Julia Child, the name says it all; a woman with true passion, unique in the sense that she was able to finish what she had aimed for. She saw beauty within cooking and eating and she showed it off until everyone saw what she pictured. I would not say she inspires me but I am definitely impressed by her. She broke away from the regular standards that women of America at that time lived by. She explained to the world that an American woman was capable enough to cook just as well as a French woman. That makes her different, and puts a smile on my face.

Cooking is a talent that not many people have, and if they do it must have came into their hands through a lot of practice or perhaps magically, it is either one or the other. It takes a lot of patience to cook something good, just as much patience one needs to eat something unworthy of their taste buds. I absolutely love those newly wedded couples, who have to cook for the first time, and they go out and by all those cook books or read recipes online and they can never match up to the professionals. Doesn’t matter how hard they try. Of course it very sad, but it is also very amusing that something that looks so simple could honestly be that hard. But then again I would also like to conclude that if Julia Child could do it anyone can do it. And no way does that mean that I am asking you to forget that she loved eating, in fact I believe that she loved every layer of the food she ate. Julia Child thought nothing but what was swarming inside her mouth. And if you know that you have that kind of a talent, then I guarantee you that you won’t have a problem at figuring out this hard recipe have clutched into your right hand.

My mother can cook the best meal without even checking how it tastes throughout the course. I observed that this Ramadan when she was fasting, I’d be honored to have that sort of gift as well.

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