Sunday, September 26, 2010

Whole New Look at Whole Foods

Our Trip to Whole Foods

By Elyssa

As this being my first trip to a grocery story since my arrival at Marymount, I was beyond excited to get to my shopping at Whole Foods. I love how you know no matter what variety of the product you wish to purchase, every brand offers a natural, organic, or gluten free, etc. type of product. Wether it was prepared food, eggs, cookies, chips, fruit, or a vegetable, you will be receiving a healthy treat. While Whole Foods is pricy, and we kid of it being called “Whole Paycheck”, we still find a store filled with people willing to spend this much on food. I seem to ask the question of why do people continue to shop here if they find it pricy? Well, I still shop here because I know I am getting quality foods that will be good for my body. Yes, you may not always be getting a large amount of quantity with your purchase, but you will be getting a great quality. Not to mention a great amount of friendly and helpful service with your experience. We also saw this first hand the great service that comes with Whole Foods, as our classmate bit into a moldy blueberry. He simply told the employee, and to his surprise, was fully refunded for his purchase. They know you are paying a lot for their products or services, and they want you to be happy and a hundred fifty percent satisfied with them. I really do feel as if Whole Foods is a “special organization”. The posters on the walls gave it a home like mood in the store, as if they take pride in the community as well. The food is all coming from “local” farms. They also make their buyers excited for certain products, as many of the girls raved about their favorite fruits (Lauren loved the raspberries, while I went crazy for the pineapple). The boys seemed to really enjoy the Kettle Corned pop corn. Jose even made a comment on the way to the store how he was researching Bolder Ice Cream, and was excited to see it in the store and check out what the Ice Cream was all about. In this aspect of the company, Whole Foods does a great job of getting the consumer to love and really know what they are eating. The consumer feels a little bit closer to this food store, and I know personally with everything being less produced, I feel like there are numerous middle men being cut out of the process of this food store. As soon as I got back to my dorm, my friends were so excited to know their was a Whole Foods in close proximity to the school, and asked if I would go back with them soon. Being this in love with the company, I could never resist. Dom and I seemed to agree by the end of our trip that the store made us feel a little bit closer to home, as he got his favorite General Tao Chicken which he often eats at home and doesn’t get to eat here too often, and I was quite content with my pineapple of which only comes to me at home. With a great experience like this one, I could not see myself not going back to Whole Foods in the near future.

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