Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mindful Eating--by Hannah Hatcher

Julia Child and Julie Powell are inspiring to me as cooks. Each of them took on a challenge and persevered. Not only did they succeed in cooking, but they learned valuable life lessons and became better people. Julia became a famous cook and a good wife, while Julie learned to appreciate what she has and became a writer. I believe that like them I can challenge myself. I want to be spirited and have a positive attitude about cooking so that I can incorporate healthy eating in my lifestyle. I have already strived to eat healthy and organic foods but I want to persevere and keep eating this way.

My family has had a positive influence on my cooking, eating, and way of life. Around dinner time I can tell that everyone in my family is hungry as they come piling in the kitchen. I usually take a moment to smell the aroma of good food that my mom is preparing. I can smell fresh oregano, sage, and parsley as well as onions and garlic. She is cooking a wonderful one pot spaghetti. I usually offer to help in the kitchen by chopping up onions or preparing the salad.

My philosophy of cooking is that I can be nutritious by having a healthy and well balanced meal. I am not going to be a vegetarian but I can balance the meat and carbohydrates with a healthy salad or vegetable. I like to say that it is good to have all things in moderation. I can have dessert every once in a while as long as I eat my fruits and vegetables. Instead of having a large portion of meat, I can have a small portion. Also, I can eat organic foods without limiting myself to only organic. Besides Whole Foods, Trader Joe's is a great place to but organic and healthy food. I feel better about myself and more energized throughout the day when I eat healthy. It is important to incorporate healthy eating in my lifestyle now so that I can carry that with me when I get older.

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