Sunday, September 26, 2010

Whole Foods-Guillermo

When Asia and me finally arrived to Whole foods my first thought was that it was very organize and neat. Everything there looked fresh and full of color. The workers there were also very friendly, when I went up to buy my orange juice, the employee was very patient with me when I was trying to find my money.  I did not have the opportunity to ask questions but the one thing I liked was when he confessed that just because they sell fresh fruits and organic food that it does not mean that everything there is healthy. They still sell unhealthy food such as butter that contain fat but in life there must be a balance of eating, treat yourself to a unhealthy treat at least once a week, would not cause you harm.
                I think that Whole Foods are just a regular grocery just as Giant. I think that they trick people into thinking that it is a special organization and over price their grocery. When I go to Giant it seems as though they sell the same grocery as Whole Foods, they have a part of store that sells the same drinks that Whole Foods sell. I don’t want to sound like a Debbie downer or negative but I really think Whole Foods brainwashes people into thinking they are receiving healthier grocery and spending so much money. The only difference I think there is between Whole Foods and Giant is that Whole Foods is more expensive. Whole Foods does a pretty good job with how they train their employees and how they are very knowledgeable.  They sell their groceries well by making it look irresistible by being organized and neat. The part that I could not stop staring at was the bakery, where the cakes looked as though they were calling to me, I almost bought it but then I checked the price.


  1. the comment you made about overpricing and being a regular grocery store is intriguing. Maybe the best way to find that out would be to take a trip to other grocery stores and listen to what they have to say about their product. or maybe, simply ask them if it's possible to trace back a product they have in store and get information about how it's grown.

  2. Guillermo if your inquiry into whether they actually are just an overpriced grocery is interesting and it would be an clever trick to disguise that nothing there is really organic just packaged like that. But everything seems plausible so I don't wanna disagree with their statements.
