Monday, September 27, 2010

Whole Foods

Whole Foods Market, the place to go to buy organic and great tasting foods. This elaborate and neat market provides a great selection of organic foods and foods for all types of people. Once I entered this food paradise, I noticed that it was so clean and organized. Not only in the difficult to manage produce section but also in every section including the buffet section. As I mentioned in my journal post, all the components of being organic are accounted for. All the water that goes into growing one piece of "organic" food must be dealt with in an eco-friendly manner, all of the packaging for the food must be complying with requirements to reduce the impact of shipping on the environment.

One of my favorite parts of going to the Whole Foods Market was seeing all of the beautiful foods that they had on display, from the produce to the stunning delicacies in the pastry shop. I was so tempted to buy so many different foods just because they looked so delicious. Even the buffet line looked tantalizingly delicious, it was so hard to control my emotions at this store which i wouldn't normally go to. Such a great variety of foods that I haven't tried were on display that on any given day, with an appetite I would be up to try any food.

Also, I didn't see much of them being focused on the local farms or any of the other organizations that they support, rather I saw more of this on their website. Nonetheless they do seem to know what they are doing as a business and they seem to want to help out small businesses like Boulder Ice Cream to achieve success in such a competitive market.

All in all, I found the trip to Whole Foods Market to be very informative and educational. It was great to get to know some of the processes that it takes to become organic. I really enjoyed the trip.

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